Kniha je v anglickém jazyce.Popis:ANCIENT BLACK ART - NIDROSIAN BLACK METAL154 page hardback book, large format (A4) pages. Over 200 images, including approximately 100 colour imagesNidaros: Medieval name for the city and municipality now known as Trondheim.
kniha CULT NEVER DIE - Ancient Black Art: Nidrosian Black Metal. Created by the author of the underground fanzine Ancient Black Art, Nidrosian Black Metal pays tribute to the prolific yet secretive Norwegian black metal circle in Trondheim.Nidaros was the capital of Norway from 997 AD until 1217 AD.The book features a wealth of both black and white and colour photography, artwork, lyrics, flyers and documents relating to such stellar acts as:MARE, KAOSRITUAL, ONE TAIL ONE HEAD, SLAGMAUR, CELESTIAL BLOODSHED, SELVHAT, WHOREDOM RIFE, APTORIAN DEMON and BLACK MAJESTY.