The main purpose was to gather a group of like-minded sympathizers, not to restore the ancient rites of "black mass" derived from Christian worship.
We do not live in a fairy-tale sunny landscape dominated by a good old king, which abounds in milk and honey, but in a world where atomic bombs have already exploded and where everyone has to take motorcyclee of themselves. He saw blood, violence, dirt, and especially hypocrisy. * While the teaching of all other churches is based on worship of spirit and denial of the body (and often intellect in favor of "emotion"), LaVey sensed that man may have an even greater need for another church, one that glorifies his thinking, his earthly desires that would promote a rationally motivated interest in one's own person. book Satanic bible (Ours troops) Translation: Frater Eirixion, Language: Czech, Dimensions: 150 x 205mm, 240 pages, published: 2018 .