Do not leave your swimsuit waiting in a wet, stuffy, closed, plastic bag.Do not use bleach or detergents. Fluorescent colors will fade in the sun, chlorinated water and sun oil will ruin your swimsuit.
Nenechávajte plavky čakať vo vlhkom, dusnom, uzavretom, plastovom vrecku. Položte ho hore nohami a osušte ho v tieni. Fluorescenčné farby na slnku vyblednú, chlórovaná voda a slnečný olej zničia vaše plavky.Nepoužívajte bielidlo ani čistiace prostriedky.
Do not use bleach or detergent. Lay it inside out and dry it in the shade. Trendyol Blue Gimped Regular Bikini Bottom. Fluorescent colors fade in the sun, chlorinated water and sun oil will ruin your swimsuit.