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Coffe Cup IPhone 7/8 Phone Case, SE Black/White

About The The smartphone case comes in a clear PVC envelope with a black Mister Tee logo. Thanks to the smooth adhesive surface, the case guarantees that your smartphone stays inside and protects it from bumps and scratches. Not only does it provide an authentic shape, but it also offers all the protection you want from a phone case for your iPhone 8/SE. Let your iPhone slide in and you're ready to go

The hilarious design for coffee lovers and the iPhone comes with a "Black Bean Coffee" print. Another interesting feature is the silicone material used. The smartphone case comes in a clear PVC envelope with a black Mister Tee logo. Thanks to the smooth adhesive surface, the case guarantees that your smartphone stays inside and protects it from bumps and scratches. Let your iPhone slide in and you're ready to go. Silicone is super durable, pliable and always pleases with a perfect fit. Because coffee always works: this coffee-to-go-style smartphone case is hot, at least fashionably. Not only does it provide an authentic shape, but it also offers all the protection you want from a phone case for your iPhone 8/SE.

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Coffe Cup IPhone 7/8 Phone Case, SE Black/White

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CategoryAbbigliamento e accessori > Abbigliamento > Abbigliamento per attività fisica

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Coffe Cup IPhone 7/8 Phone Case, SE Black/White
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Rating :- 9.95 /10
Votes :- 13